2024-04 New Drug Update 2024
CE Information
10.0 CME credits (10.0 pharmacology)Completion Time
10 hoursAvailable Until
April 23, 2027Posted By
University Learning SystemsNavigate
Adult and FamilySubspecialties
Primary CareClinical Topics
New DrugsAs a health professional it is vital to keep up on the latest information from the FDA on new prescription medications and labeling changes for existing drugs.
Dr. C. Wayne Weart is an nationally known expert on new drugs and how they compare to existing medications.
University Learning Systems has been privileged to host Dr. Weart presenting his most comprehensive New Drug Update since 1979. Dr. Weart helps you to understand the decisions behind the studies that lead to the evidence in the approval process. This ten-hour, two part on demand course was recorded during Dr. Weart’s live presentation in Key West Florida, April 23-24, 2024.
Dr. Weart is a legendary leader in the movement of using patient outcomes to direct pharmacotherapy. He communicates his exceptional understanding of the drugs and the studies that the FDA uses to approve new primary care medications. He compares and contrasts the new drugs with existing medications. Because of his exceptional command of the subject matter Dr. Weart has a large and devoted following of students and fellow professionals. Year after year, professionals return to hear this legendary expert present clinical pearls that they can incorporate into their own practices.
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify recent FDA drug communications, including but not limited to, labeling changes, warnings, new indications, new dosage forms and MedWatch alerts.
2. Discuss the new drugs with respect to their pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, approved and unapproved indications.
3. Describe their adverse effects and drug interaction that may affect patient compliance.
4. Compare efficacy, dosage and cost to existing agent
5. Discuss the patient oriented outcomes or evidence that may or may not exist for each of the new medications and when they may or may not be appropriate to recommend for selected patients.
6. Compare pharmacotherapy outcomes vs cost/benefit between newly approved agents and existing or lower cost agents.

Dr. C. Wayne Weart | Pharm.D., BCPS, FASHP Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Pharmacy & Outcome Sciences, South Carolina College of Pharmacy, MUSC Campus, Charleston, SC.
CE Information
This activity offers 10.0 CME credits (10.0 pharmacology) to attendees.
Accredited by ACPE, AAFP, ANCC.
PHYSICIANS / PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS/ MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: Accreditation: In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Continuing Education, Inc. and InPharmX dba University Learning Systems. Continuing Education, Inc. is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC),to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.” Physician Designation: Continuing Education, Inc. designates this activity for 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
PHARMACISTS :University Learning Systems is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. These programs are accredited for pharmacists.
Session 1 0741-0000-24-0001-H11-P APPLICATION
Session 2 0741-0000-24-0003-H12-P APPLICATION
NURSE PRACTITIONERS/ NURSES: This course provides 8 contact hours (0.8 CEU) to fulfill the pharmacotherapeutics/ pharmacology requirements for American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Category 1 Continuing Education Hours for certification renewal. The same hours submitted to renew certification may be submitted to a State Board of Nursing for re-licensure. American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts formally approved continuing education sponsored by organizations accredited or approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). California Board of Registered Nursing Provider: CEP11409.
CONSULTANT PHARMACISTS: Some consultant pharmacist boards accept University Learning Systems courses for recertification either as is or with board approval. Please contact your board regarding course approval and ULS with any questions.
OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: Contact your respective board regarding approval.
CE Broker Tracking #50-11357
These courses were recorded April 23-24, 2024 and are valid for credit until April 24, 2027.
Dr. Weart has no disclosures
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