Missouri Coalition of Nurses in Advanced Practice

2024-02 Pharmacology of GI Disorders 2024

CE Information
15.0 CME credits
Completion Time
15 hours
Available Until
March 1, 2027
Posted By
University Learning Systems
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Clinical Topics
Colon Cancer, Gastric Cancer, IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Pharmacology

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Tools for Successful treatment:

  • Recognize the various manifestations of IBS.

  • Distinguish IBS from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

  • Examine the usefulness of “Alarm Symptoms” .

  • Choose the best treatments for IBS .

Bootcamp for Elevated Liver Function Tests:

  • Define Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis (NASH).

  • Identify at risk patients and review treatment options.

  • Recognize frequently encountered gallbladder and common duct clinical dilemmas.

  • Describe what a primary care provider should know about Hepatitis C.

Celiac Disease or Something Else?

  • Describe the varied clinical manifestations of Celiac Disease (Sprue).

  • Define the workup of Celiac Disease especially when a patient is already on a self imposed gluten free diet.

  • Recognize the entity of Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.

  • Identify how the symptoms of Celiac Disease, Non Celiac Gluten sensitivity, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be identical.

Dysphagia, Dyspepsia, GERD, Barrett’s and the Primary Care Provider:

  • Distinguish gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) from dyspepsia.

  • Acknowledge the true risks of chronic proton pump inhibitor use.

  • Update your knowledge on esophageal diseases.

  • Delineate the risk of Barrett’s Esophagus and esophageal cancer.

Update on Probiotics, Prebiotics, Clostridium difficile and Fecal Transplants: What You Need to Know:

  • Recognize the proven GI uses of Probiotics.

  • Understand the difficulty in comparing products.

  • Describe how to diagnose and treat Cl difficile in 2024.

  • Recognize how fecal transplants may be the ultimate Probiotic.

Assessing Abdominal Pain: A Practical Review

  • Define the appropriate workup for several interactive cases of acute abdominal pain.

  • Illustrate the pitfalls in making a diagnosis.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Update:

  • Distinguish Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

  • Describe the workup of IBD.

  • Distinguish Crohn’s Disease from Ulcerative Colitis.

  • Choose the “best” treatments for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

  • Discuss controversies surrounding IBD.

Peptic Ulcer Disease and Helicobacter Highlights:

  • Identify the importance of risk factors in the development of UGI bleeding.

  • Select appropriate candidates for long term PPI therapy.

  • Review non invasive ways of making a H pylori diagnosis.

  • Manage antibiotic therapy for Helicobacter 2024.

Colon Cancer Evaluation and Prevention: What’s New?:

  • Show the best practices that lead to colon cancer prevention.

  • Review types of polyps and their consequences.

  • Review the pitfalls of colonoscopy screening.

  • Show reasonable alternatives to colonoscopy.

Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Diarrhea:

  • Recognize the common sources of chronic diarrhea including: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Post cholecystectomy diarrhea, Sprue, Microscopic Colitis.

  • Review treatment options.

Constipation Conundrums:

  • Recognize specialized, advanced testing for constipated patients unresponsive to standard care.

  • Recognize fecal overflow incontinence.

  • Recognize how Peripheral Acting Mu Opioid Receptor Antagonists are useful in treating opioid induced constipation.

Clinical Dilemmas in GI Bleeding:

  • Describe the limitations of colonoscopy.

  • Recognize the importance of “Alarm Symptoms”.

  • Describe advanced endoscopic techniques that are used to evaluate GI bleeding.

  • Recognize the safe use of anti platelet and anticoagulation meds post GI bleeding.

Diverticular Dilemmas

  • Cite risk factors in developing diverticular diseases.

  • Explore controversy surrounding antibiotic use in uncomplicated diverticulitis

  • Elaborate on various treatment modalities for bleeding diverticulitis.

  • Identify new surgical paradigms.

Learning Objectives

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Tools for Successful treatment:

  • Recognize the various manifestations of IBS.

  • Distinguish IBS from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

  • Examine the usefulness of “Alarm Symptoms” .

  • Choose the best treatments for IBS .

Bootcamp for Elevated Liver Function Tests:

  • Define Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis (NASH).

  • Identify at risk patients and review treatment options.

  • Recognize frequently encountered gallbladder and common duct clinical dilemmas.

  • Describe what a primary care provider should know about Hepatitis C.

Celiac Disease or Something Else?

  • Describe the varied clinical manifestations of Celiac Disease (Sprue).

  • Define the workup of Celiac Disease especially when a patient is already on a self imposed gluten free diet.

  • Recognize the entity of Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.

  • Identify how the symptoms of Celiac Disease, Non Celiac Gluten sensitivity, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be identical.

Dysphagia, Dyspepsia, GERD, Barrett’s and the Primary Care Provider:

  • Distinguish gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) from dyspepsia.

  • Acknowledge the true risks of chronic proton pump inhibitor use.

  • Update your knowledge on esophageal diseases.

  • Delineate the risk of Barrett’s Esophagus and esophageal cancer.

Update on Probiotics, Prebiotics, Clostridium difficile and Fecal Transplants: What You Need to Know:

  • Recognize the proven GI uses of Probiotics.

  • Understand the difficulty in comparing products.

  • Describe how to diagnose and treat Cl difficile in 2024.

  • Recognize how fecal transplants may be the ultimate Probiotic.

Assessing Abdominal Pain: A Practical Review

  • Define the appropriate workup for several interactive cases of acute abdominal pain.

  • Illustrate the pitfalls in making a diagnosis.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Update

Peptic Ulcer Disease and Helicobacter Highlights

Colon Cancer Evaluation and Prevention: What’s New?

Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Diarrhea

Constipation Conundrums

Clinical Dilemmas in GI Bleeding

Diverticular Dilemmas


Dr. Peter S. Buch
Dr. Peter S. Buch MD, AGAF, FACP

Dr. Peter Buch is a clinical gastroenterologist with over 30 years of teaching experience. Teaching is his passion! His style is case based, practical, very interactive and fun. He has extensive local, national and international teaching experience. He has taught family doctors, internists, PAs, nurses, NPs and pharmacists. His evaluations have consistently been outstanding. Many organizations invite him back on a yearly basis. Dr. Buch always learns from his audiences and looks forward to learning WITH you!

CE Information

This activity offers 15.0 CME credits to attendees.

Accredited by ACPE, AAFP, ANCC.

PHARMACISTS :University Learning Systems is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. These programs are accredited for pharmacists.


Contact Hours 



Session 1



Session 2 2.5 0741-0000-24-008-H01-P APPLICATION
Session 3 5.0 0741-0000-23-009-H01-P APPLICATION
Session 4 2.5 0741-0000-24-010-H01-P APPLICATION

NURSE PRACTITIONERS/ NURSES: This course provides 15 contact hours to fulfill the pharmacotherapeutics/ pharmacology requirements for American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Category 1 Continuing Education Hours  for certification renewal as well as other Nurse Practitioner credentialing organizations. The same hours submitted to renew certification may be submitted to a State Board of Nursing for re-licensure. American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts formally approved continuing education sponsored by organizations accredited or approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). .

PHYSICIANS: This CME program offers Category 2 credit.

PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS: This CME program offers Category 2 credit.

CONSULTANT PHARMACISTS: Some consultant pharmacist boards accept University Learning Systems courses for recertification either as is or with board approval. Please contact your board regarding course approval and ULS with any questions.

CANADIAN PHARMACISTS: Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) accepts courses accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).  This credit is applicable to health professionals who may require pharmacology credit.

CANADIAN PHYSICIANS: Members of the College of Family Physicians of Canada are eligible to receive up to 15 MAINPRO-M1 credits for participation in this activity due to reciprocal agreement with the American Academy of Family Physicians.

OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: Contact your respective board regarding approval


Dr. Buch has no disclosures

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